Saturday, February 8, 2014

40 Years With You

You can love just one person your entire life.  And for me that one person is you.  It always has been from the moment I met you.

I've been thinking a lot about these past 40 years with you.  And looking back, nothing in our lives has ever normal.  Not us, not ever.  I guess I shouldn't have expected it to be.  Maybe I should think of us as a little abnormal.  Because we are--in a sense.  Abnormal.  However, I like it that way--for the most part.  Some portions I could have done without, but only some.  Most have been an adventure.  Most have our own stamp on them, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.  Although sometimes I do want it to change, I really do.  And then other times I think, nah, I like it this way.  It's exciting.  I change and grow and so do you.  Fortunately, we've grown together rather than apart.  I think we always will.  I can say that now--after all, it's been 40 years.  We've got a good track record.  Don't you think?

The two of us, all those many years ago--we sure were in love.  Everyone could see it, we were meant to be.  Made for each other.  We didn't fight a lot because we were friends.  And out of that friendship grew a deep respect.  We talked so much back then and still do.  I love that about us--our ability to dissect just about any topic, anytime, anywhere.  Face it, we still love to talk.  And we are still very much in love.

Anyway, getting back to how different we were/are.  Even our wedding was a little bit unlike any others we had attended.  My father didn't walk me down the aisle--you did.  I wasn't a thing or an object to be given away to anyone.  We vowed to be mutually submissive to each other, always friends, always faithful, always in service to our God.  Things weren't always easy though, and sometimes they still aren't, but I'm OK with that, are you?  I believe that through those hard times, we've learned a lot about each other as well as learning about ourselves.  And through that, we've grown.  I like that.  And I want to continue to grow and change with you.

When our first baby came I thought, hey, maybe we'll be normal now.  We owned a home, had a baby and had settled in--but just for a very short time.  But, then we were on the move again.  It's crazy if you think about it--we've now owned 8 homes.  How many more will we buy?  Who knows?  God.  He knows.  We trust Him.  As He moves us around from city to city, state to state, church to church--we trust Him.  Now we do.  After many long trials.  Now we do.  That took time too.  Learning to trust Him.  Going through trials.  Learning to lean on God and each other, helping each other, praying for each other and giving each other that extra grace now and then.  And I'm OK with that, are you?

No, normal we are not.  But, we are happy.  40 years.  It's been fun, exciting, frustrating, scary, adventurous, maddening, exhilarating, and every other positive and/or negative adjective I can think of.  I wouldn't change a thing.  Even though many of my friends have led conventional lives--same house, city, church etc.  I wouldn't change a thing.  I have no regrets.  I love our not so normal life--most of the time anyway.  Don't you?

I look back over the last 40 years and think wow!  We made it.  We've raised 3 children, and have 6 grandchildren.  We still love each other, we're still friends, we even like each other and want to be together.  And I can't help but wonder--how many couples can say that?  I hope that those who've known us these past 4 decades have seen the sacrifices made, the willingness to press on, the determination to serve others, and to give to each other and those around us.  I hope and pray that our children have seen these attributes in our lives as well.  I hope we've lived our lives in such a way that they want to emulate us.  I truly want for them what we have--yes, it's been that awesome of a life.  Normal?  No.  Fantastic?  Yes.

Do you know what I want now?  I want another 40 years.  Seriously.  I want that--40 more years of our kooky, weird, abnormal life.  I'd go anywhere with you--you know that right?

So, here's to 40 more years!  And thank you from the bottom of my heart for the last 40.  No regrets.  Just pure thankfulness.  All those many years ago I asked God for a man like you--and I got the answer to my prayer--a husband who makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the room, a husband who makes my heart skip a beat, a husband who makes me laugh, a husband who I could never ever thank enough for loving me.

Happy 40th anniversary.  I love you with my whole heart.  And I always will.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

All I can say is thank you for sticking around as we continue this wonderful and wacky adventure called life. Love, Jerry