Friday, January 31, 2014

The Trinity

I shared a story the other night at our couples Bible study.  We are going through a book on the Holy Spirit, and while we were in deep discussion, I was reminded of something God showed me when I was approximately 8 years old.  I had only come to know about Him at the age of 6, so I was all ears when it came to learning about my new father--my father in Heaven.  I shared a little of my story that evening and feel compelled to share it in a little more detail.

I was sitting in the kitchen of my maternal grandmother's house.  We were there for a weekend visit and my mom and grandmother were talking.  Knowing me, I was probably sitting at her kitchen table coloring and singing--2 of my favorite 8-year-old things to do.  Since learning a lot of new songs in Sunday School over the past couple of years--you couldn't keep me from singing them.  I'm still like that--I love to sing worship songs, and really I don't have an interest in other types of music.

However, I digress.  As I was saying, I was sitting there minding my own business when I had an epiphany.  It was simple, pure, basic and easy to understand.  I must have been thinking or singing about Jesus.  That's what I remember anyway.  I looked up at my mom and it hit me.  She's my mom, she's my grandmother's daughter, and she's my dad's wife.  3 people all in one.  Just like God.  He's God the father (my father) and God the son (my brother) and God the Holy Spirit (my comforter and best friend)--easy peasy.  At least for an 8-year-old.

From that moment in time to this day I have not had a problem with understanding the concept of the Trinity.  The Godhead 3 in 1.  I wonder sometimes why it is so easy for me to accept these simple truths from the Bible while others struggle with theology, while here I am accepting it on blind faith.  And then I realized--that's exactly what it is--it's faith, blind faith.  A faith that says, if it's in the Bible, it's true.  I don't need to spend valuable time asking questions about it's authenticity, I do, however, ask God to expound on certain topics for me.  I sometimes need understanding, but I also realize that my ways are not his ways, and I am not to lean on my own understanding.  I am to take what God says by faith and I am just simple minded enough to do that.  Is it because I came to know Christ at such a young age?  Or is it because I have seen him do so many miraculous things in my life?  I'm honestly not sure, I just know that I believe what the Bible teaches.  And while the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible, we are taught about the Godhead.  That the father, son and holy spirit are one.  Easy for an 8-year-old to believe.  Easy for me 50 years later to believe.  For I have no doubt, not a single one.

A few months ago I wrote a blog on faith.  I am going to quote myself (can I do that?) and repost a portion of that blog.  Maybe then you will understand why the concept of the Trinity is so very easy for me to grasp.

"Faith--it's free-falling while hanging on, all at the same time.  It's holding tightly with utter abandon.  It's a hard concept to convey but a very easy (yes, I just said easy) one to live out.  Maybe it comes from being so young when I met Him--that faith of a child, who curled up on her dad's lap, snuggled in for the duration, sitting in complete and total peace, and safely resting for the first time.  For me, that peace, that faith, that feeling of comfort and assurance--I know that He knows what's best for me, and He has never ever left me nor forsaken me.  That is faith.

I call out, He answers.  I listen for His voice, He speaks.  I trust Him completely, He takes care of me.  Always.  Do I ever doubt Him?  No.  Really?  No, I never do.  Do I always like what He wants me to do or say or go or whatever, no, I do not.  However, I do it anyway.  Sometimes tearfully, sometimes joyfully, sometimes slowly, while stomping my feet and pouting but always, always obediently and in faith.  Believing.  Knowing.  Trusting.  He is after all the great I AM.  And by faith I will serve Him.  He is my God.  He is the same today, yesterday and forever.   Do I trust Him?  Yes, yes I do.  That is faith."

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