Monday, February 24, 2014

He Knows My Name

I keep hearing that song, over and over again in my head.  I love the way it is sung by Mercy Me.  It makes me cry.  Just to think about the God of the universe knowing me that well, it just makes me want to fall on my knees before Him and worship.  So I do.

I hadn't thought about that song in a very long time, but a friend brought it up the other night in our small group.  And now--well now, it's running through my brain almost nonstop.  He's always known me before I was born, and after I came into this world, and He knows me now.  That brings such a peace to my heart.  It's almost unexplainable.  I need that peace right now.  Knowing that He knows me, that He knows my name, that He knows my thoughts before I even think them.  There is no hiding from Him.  He knows everything.  He is God.

We talked some that evening about the contrast between the God of the old Testament and the God of the new.  They are one and the same and yet because of Christ--different.  I had to spend some time grappling with this.  Finally, after praying for a couple of weeks, I have drawn a conclusion. Hopefully, it will make as much sense to you as it does to me.  Maybe (probably) God has simplified it for me, He's done that many times before.  Thankfully.

I serve a just God--He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, that's what the Bible says, and I believe what the Bible says, I believe it to be absolute truth.  I read about the God of the old testament and I see where there are instances of swift judgment.  In many cases, they might appear to be unjust.  And yet, I know that isn't true.  One example shared the other night was one of God striking the man dead who went to reach for the arc of the covenant to keep it from falling.  No one was to touch that arc.  Plain and simple.  Those were God's instructions.   So justice had to be handed out.  For He demands obedience.

Now let's look at the God of the new testament.  He has now sent His son Jesus to save us from our sins.  When God looks at us, He looks at Christ covering us.  He sees Jesus.  He is still a just God though because He does not change, He is the same God.  He is a just God.  I believe that He knew the condition of that man's heart--as he reached for the arc, he was unworthy and disobedient, so God took his life.  He does not change, He is still a just God.  However, once we accept Christ into our hearts--we change.  Our desire--the desires of our hearts is to serve an almighty God.  And that's what God sees as he looks at us.  Deep down into our hearts--He sees that change.  That longing to serve Him, worship Him, live for Him.  I do not believe that He saw that in that particular man mentioned in the old testament.

Because of Christ giving up His life for mine--God now sees Jesus when He looks into my heart.  Yes, He is a just God.  He knows my name, He knows my heart.  And that gives me comfort and at the same time challenges me.  Why does this challenge me?  Because I am so very human, so selfish, so fleshly.  I want so badly to serve God with all my heart, and yet many times I fail Him.  Why He forgives me each and every time, why He still loves me and teaches me through these times, why He has so much patience with me is a mystery.  However, I have to remember--He knows my heart, He called me by name, He loves me and He always will.

Humble, thankful, grateful...I will always praise Him with my whole heart.  For my God is a just God.  And He knows my name.

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