Thursday, May 14, 2015

300 and Counting

It dawned on me a couple of days ago that when I publish this, I will have written 300 blogs.  It's a little hard to wrap my brain around--300!  I honestly didn't ever see that happening.  I barely got the first one published and even that took almost 3 years.  I didn't think I had anything to say.  Ha, fooled everyone, including myself!

In looking back over my posts, I see that I have written about everything from my relationship with God to recipes, from my travels to my grandchildren.  I've written about my thoughts, emotions, and prayers.  I have shared just about everything--even my dreams and desires.  Yes, I think I've covered it all...and yet, I believe that there is so much more.

I have learned a lot about myself throughout this experience.  I've learned that I am in love with Jesus, that I am exceptionally sensitive and that I love others more deeply than I thought possible.  I have been able to allow God to touch my life and then, in turn, He has used me to touch the lives of others.  How do I know this?  Well, I get a lot of emails, texts, and calls from strangers, friends, and family sharing their experiences concerning their own lives.  I love hearing from others, I love that they are somehow "ministered to" by my blog.  I use that term because that is exactly what is happening.  And I think that is why I keep writing.  Even when I think about shutting this whole blog thing down, I don't.  I've tried before and then--I will feel compelled to write and I end up blogging again.

Maybe this has become an addiction of sorts.  One thing for sure--it has become a form of therapy for me.  A way to write about my feelings, and get out all those crazy mixed up thoughts that swirl around in my head like noodles.  I can port them out on a page (and by page I mean laptop) and then examine them, I can try to sort them out, I can categorize them and lay them out in a somewhat organized fashion.  At least I try to do that.

Yes, number 300 is about to be published.  Scary to think about, and yet very exhilarating.  I like writing.  I like blogging.  I like that you read them.  I like that I feel encouraged to keep on doing this thing called blogging.  Yes, I do.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Dearest Jacki

I had the privilege this past weekend of attending your (probably one of many) bridal shower.  I felt honored to be invited.  I had so many mixed emotions while sitting with the others, hearing their stories of how they met you, of how long they'd known you and the extensive history between you and them.  It was a little strange for me though.  First off, just the fact that I was even invited--that was pretty awesome.  And secondly, well, I haven't exactly known you all that long.  I think I met you just a couple of times at your parent's house.  And then that one evening last summer at your family's beach house, a random occurrence to be sure, but most likely one that was set up completely by God.  And yet in just meeting you those few times--there was a spiritual tie that I believe will bind us together for eternity.  That's what God does--He ties us to each other.

So, being at your wedding shower--observing and listening, I do what I sometimes do.  I began to pray for you.  As I watched your mom and your sister's faces--I thanked Him that they were happy and smiling.  As I listened to the stories of many of the women--how they had watched you grow up, I was humbled and again thanked God for them.  So much history, so much love.

At one point during the shower, we were asked to write on a little card, either a verse from the Bible or a piece of advice.  It caught me a little off-guard.  I'm the type that needs time to process my thoughts, to pray, to, well, to sound somewhat intelligent.  I didn't get that time.  I started to write down something that came to mind and ended up even writing on the back of the card.  I got frustrated and gave up.  I thought--this isn't going to make a lick of sense.  So, I thought to myself--what should I do in this situation?  I know!  I'll blog about it.  It probably won't make any more sense, but at least I'll have tried and that alone will make me feel better.  I hope it makes sense to you though, I really do.  Because it's something that someone once told me.  A little piece of advice that changed the way I looked at my relationship with God and then inadvertently changed the way I lived my life.  I'd like to share that with you.

The advice given to me goes something like this.  Do not prioritize God.  Do not make Him number one in your life.  In fact, do not assign to Him a number at all.  For He is God.  He is everything.  He doesn't come first--He is.  He is I am.  He is  So, when your eyes open up in the morning, when your feet touch the ground, when you reach for that first cup of coffee, remember who He is and begin your day surrounded by His presence.  When you do that--give Him every part of your life, every day of your life--He will dwell right there in the middle of it all.  So, how can that be prioritized?  It can't.  Because He is.  Everywhere.  All the time.  He is God.  He is I am.

If I could leave you with one piece of advice it would be that.  Don't make Him #1.  Make Him it.  After that--prioritize away.  Make your lists, plan your plans, do your stuff.  But, remember--He is there, right there in the middle of it all, leading you, guiding you, walking with you.  He'll never leave you or forsake you.  However, you now know that better than most of us ever will.  You have experienced His healing touch in your life.  Now walk in that.

That's my advice for you.  If God is the end all be all in your life--you can face anything thrown your way.  I will promise to pray for you all my life.  Just as I did in that hospital room last fall, when I laid my hand on your shoulder and begged God to spare your life--I will always pray for you.  I will always pray for your family--your parents, your siblings, your husband, your future.  God has big plans for you.  I know He does.  Continue to walk as closely as you can with Him.  Give Him everything--every part of your marriage, your life, and your future.

Love, Veda