Monday, April 25, 2011


My how you've changed.  I just visited you 4 or 5 years ago and now your streets are paved with vendors from other countries.  I did not come to see them, I came to see you.  I came to view your beautiful architecture and your Arno River, I came to shop with real Italian designers in mind.  And what did I find?  Rows and rows of street vendors selling subpar merchandise--very cheap, very ugly, very unimaginative--imitations of the real Italy.  It broke my heart to see what you have become.  The street stalls even blocked the entrance into the regular stores.  The merchants are hurting and you do nothing to stop it.

Until the bleeding stops, until the merchants are happy once again, I will not come back.  I will miss your wonderful food, your coffee, your soft leather, your 18 k gold and your beauty.  You were once my favorite city in all of Italy--but not any longer.  I actually hurt for the city of Florence.  How sad.  Where did you go?  Why have you let this happen?  Come back to us.  You were once a great city.  Where is your pride?

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