Tuesday, July 23, 2013

She Calls Me Martha

My sister and I have what some might call--a complicated relationship.  I am 2 years older than she.  Therefore, by birthright, I am the boss.  At least that's what I'd like her to think.  Yes, I am the bossy older sister.  And don't tell her, but I like it that way.

Really though, just what is our relationship like?  I know one thing--we are complete opposites in just about every way.  I'm a brunette with brown eyes, she's a blond with green eyes.  I look like our father, she like our mother.  Our personalities are different also.  I'm quieter, she's rather loud.  Introvert, extrovert.  Yes, there are so many differences between us and yet, we are sisters.

And so our relationship is one that is sometimes complicated by the fact that we are so very different and yet we are related.  It's amusing at times for me to watch her get so frustrated with me.  I think she'd secretly (or not so secretly) like for me to be a little more like her.  A little more bohemian, more hippyish, freer--and yet, that is not me at all.  Hence, she calls me Martha, on a regular basis.  For me, like Martha am a little Suzy homemaker.  I love to cook, bake, clean, and decorate my home.  I love to plant little container gardens, take pictures, and travel.  I love to sit in quaint little cafes, ponder craft ideas, and have coffee with friends.  I am the more refined of the two of us.

That's not to detract from her qualities though--she's just different than I am.  She likes many of the same things I do, only in a slightly different venue.  Rather than a cafe, she prefers a hippy style coffee house.  And where I love antique dishes, she'd just as soon eat quickly via a paper plate and get on with the day.  Even our shopping habits differ.  I love designer anything, and she'd just as soon go to the local bead shop.  Yes, we are very different.

She was here this past week visiting for a few days for the first time since I moved to the midwest 14 years ago.  I see her maybe once a year or so since moving.  At first, it was a little hard for me to find my way around her.  I didn't want her to be uncomfortable in my home, and yet, I had to be myself.  So I compromised a lot.  I didn't get out the fine china, I kept it casual.  Martha style.  Instead of using my dining room for dinner, we sat out on the deck, while eating off my cute Italian patio dishes.  I tried hard and I think it went well, at least I hope it did.  I refrained from baking or cooking too much.  I didn't do any crafty projects, and most of all I didn't clean around her.  I waited until she went to bed to pull out my swifter.  Yes, I was quite proud of myself.  I was able to contain Martha.  For the most part.

I'm wondering now what she thought of her visit.  Will she want to come back?  Did she notice my attempt to keep Martha at bay?  Or, in all my efforts--did I fall flat?  These are my questions.  Was her trip here an epic fail or did she enjoy her visit with Martha?   I guess I'll have to wait and see.  Or just ask myself one more question--what would Martha do?

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Loved this. Hope Kim sees it and comments !!!