Thursday, July 4, 2013

Biking with Rocks

As I was praying this morning, this is what I saw--a picture (mental snapshot) of me riding a bike in a foreign country.  I was riding along, very happy, smiling, content.  Not a care in the world.  Most likely I was in France since that's my favorite country.  And then I noticed something.  There were others riding with me, only they were struggling.  When I looked over at them I saw that they had big rocks tied from ropes hanging off the backs of their bikes.  They weren't smiling.  They looked very serious.  Their foreheads were scrunched up, they were sweating, and they were tired. My first inclination was to stop them and tell them what I was seeing.  Instead, I paused.  I thought to myself--I am not here to change their culture.  This is their way, this is how they do things here.  And I am here to learn from them.  Embrace them.  Enjoy them.  Be a part of them.  

However, as I was still riding my bike, my smile faded and turned to concern.  I questioned God.  I asked him--what should I do?  Should I stop them?  Should I tell them what I am noticing?  Should I show them how to cut the rope?  Should I let them know how much faster, how much easier, how much more freeing it is to ride a bike without dragging rocks behind it?  I began to slow down a bit--what should I do?  What?  For I did not want to offend them.

A conundrum for sure.  This all came to me in the blink of an eye.  I am still praying about this.  What is God saying to me?  No.  The real question is--do I share what God is saying to me or do I just wait?  Do I sit back and patiently pray?  That is the real question.  What would you have me to do?  Would you want to know?  If you were dragging those rocks behind your bike--would you want someone to help you cut that rope?  Or would you rather continue to do it--your way?

Each person is different.  I understand that.  And I am not here to change your culture, however, I am here to proclaim peace.  To teach, to preach, to share, to pray--to cut ropes.  Yes, I am here to cut ropes.  To show others how to leave those rocks behind.  Am I brave enough to do that?  And if I am not brave enough, then why, oh why, did God put that picture in my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers?  

This was my morning.  And now for the afternoon, I think I shall go ride my bike--and pray.

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