Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Congo Part 1

I'm not too sure how these new few blogs will develop.  I will write about some things that are most likely--not very blog worthy.  And yet, they will be important for me to remember.  Yes, at some time in the future I will want to look back on these few pages and reminisce.  So, I shall begin with Day 1 of being and feeling utterly and completely alone.  No, that's not true, not at all.  I am not alone.  For my God, my savior has moved me into a little town, a little church and a little community that takes care of its own.  For example, guess how many emails, text messages, invitations, and so on, that I have received?  Just guess!  I know one thing for sure--I will be so busy this next 2 weeks that I will fall into bed each night tired and ready to peacefully sleep.

Back to the beginning--I drove my husband and one of his team members to the airport yesterday.  I was supposed to be going alone.  I knew in my heart though that I would cry the minute I dropped my husband off--I knew there would be many tears.  Funny though how God works--as it turned out, the other wife wanted to ride along.  Ride along?  Then how would I cry?  How would I be sad?  It posed a conundrum.  I had no choice, I had to be strong, I had to act like I was perfectly fine with the Congo team flying for more than 24 hours, making several flight changes, and landing in a dangerous country--yes, I had to "act" completely OK with that.  But was I acting?

Out to the airport, we drove all 4 of us.  The guys talking excitedly about their trip, the women sitting rather silently listening to them, our thoughts running wild.  We dropped them off, said our goodbyes and then headed back home.  To life without them for the next 2 weeks.  Both of us, it turns out are used to our traveling husbands--they travel for business.  However, we are not used to them traveling to Africa--to danger, and to the poorest of the poor.  No, we are not used to that.

When I returned home I had some cooking to do--fortunately.  I was invited over to some friends house for a lovely bar-b-que.  We ate, we laughed and I was wonderfully distracted from missing my husband so badly.  Yes, it was a great afternoon with friends.  By the time I returned home, I was tired and spent the evening with my dog curled up in front of the TV.

That was day one, I will write more as the trip progresses.  Hopefully our friends and family are praying for this team.  I know I am.

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