Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

I am in Las Vegas.  I am with my husband on one of his many business trips.  There are a gazillion men and some women and then--there are the wives.  We're the crazy ones, the rowdy bunch.  We text, email, facebook and call each other with questions like--are you going to so and so with your husband?  When will you get there?  We all get excited as more and more of us find out who's going.  We plan and pack and meet up at various hotels all over the world.  When we see each other we laugh and hug and talk a mile a minute.  It's so good to see them.  Sometimes a year or two will go by and then again sometimes we get to see some more often.  Either way, we'll take it.  We are friends.  We have a common thread--our husband's company.

There is no pecking order among the wives.  We don't care what position our husbands hold in the company--we are friends.  We are equal.  And boy do we have fun.  We share stories about our children and grandchildren.  We bring pictures of our vacations.  We leave our worries behind us and enjoy our time together.

We shop, eat lunch, shop, drink coffee, shop, go to dinner--repeat.  We are the ones who discover what the cities have to offer. We scope out the best restaurants and find the most unique gifts.  We take pictures of each other and laugh about posting them on Facebook.  In the evenings we all get together with our husbands in tow and tell them all about our day.  Who bought what and where we ate.  And we share all the funny things that might have happened during our adventures.  We relive each story when it's told and laugh until our stomachs hurt.  I think our husbands are brought closer together with their coworkers because of us wives.  We have the ability to bond quickly, whereas our husbands might have worked with their fellow coworkers for years and not have the relationships that we wives do.

I feel very blessed by these friends of mine.  I love traveling with them.  They've made my first trip to Las Vegas a memorable one.  I wasn't into the whole sin city idea, but they assured me that there was more to Las Vegas than drinking and gambling.  I took them at their word and I wasn't disappointed. We've had a fun trip.  Some of them are leaving tomorrow.  I am already getting sad.  When will I see them again?  Will I have to wait a year?  Two?  No, probably not, we're already making plans for the next trip!

And now, I'll have my funny pictures of our trip to faux Paris and Italy in Las Vegas.  I'll have my secret video that I took in the taxi when my friends were dancing with the cab driver to the music on the radio, I'll have so many wonderful memories--I can't wait until next time.

And believe me, there will be a next time.  We might lose a few wives along the way due to husbands moving on in their careers or changing jobs, but we always manage to attract a few new ones.  We've heard about you guys, they say.  Can we hang out with you? 

Sure--we always have room for new friends!

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