Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my birthday.  Some might be bothered by the giant number that I have now reached, not me though.  I like getting older.  I feel wise, experienced, well traveled, and loved.  Very loved.  And so for this--I feel grateful.

I am thankful for so many things in this sweet life of mine--parents and siblings, children and grandchildren, extended family and friends who are just like family.  I am thankful for the many ways in which God has blessed me too.  Material blessings abound in my life.  I am very aware of my abundance in this area, and I never take it for granted.

Yes, having a birthday is a great time to sit and reflect.  I woke up before the sun this morning with a prayer in my heart.  I laid in bed for awhile just thanking God over and over for the way He has always been my real father.  I prayed for a long time with a very grateful heart and then finally got up and moved into the family room where I could sit in my old brown leather rocking chair, coffee and laptop in hand--I needed to write.

I was just thinking back to all the many wonderful gifts that I've received over the years, and in all honesty, my best gift came to me when I was just 17 years old.  It wasn't wrapped, didn't have a bow, but when I looked at it, I knew.  Yes, it was going to be the one gift that I'd never return.  The one gift that I would always hope to have and to keep for all of my days.  My husband.  He has made me feel so special and confident, so beautiful inside and out, so smart and worth something, he has been my one constant.  What a gift God brought me that year!  And, every year after that my life just got better and better, sweeter and sweeter.

Grateful?  Thankful?  Yes, because every day feels like a birthday to me.

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