Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hello New House

Dear New House,

I've decided to try and like you.  No, you won't measure up (for probably some years) to my old house.  After all, it took almost 5 years for that house to measure up, so you should at least give yourself that long--to measure up.  Try not to get your feelings hurt.  I did say I'd try, and I am a person of my word.

So far the thing I like about you is your size.  It's also the thing I don't like about you.  On one hand, you are easy to get around in and clean, on the other hand, you lack storage.  However, my goal was to downsize and downsize I did.  After selling and giving away almost half of my possessions, I am desperately trying to "fit" into your space.  You are making it hard.

I also like the fact that lawn care and snow removal are included in my home owners dues, along with many more features than I had before.  That's a positive for you, you should take that and run with it.  It's a pretty big deal.  With your indoor/outdoor pools, tennis courts, gym (not that I'll use it) fishing pond, playground and hiking trails, well, you've earned major points.  Also, being backed up to a national forest is a big plus.  But, please remember, I used to have a river, a beach and a very cute downtown.

All in all, I'm trying hard to like you.  I've painted your laundry room and half bath, I've unpacked the majority of my personal items, and now I guess it's up to me to make friends in this new neighborhood.  Maybe in time, they will be just as important to me as my old friends, I highly doubt that though.  You haven't met my old friends, they are and always will be--amazing.

I will walk your streets, hike your trails, enjoy your waterfalls and take loads of pictures.  I will present myself as friendly (I can't help that, it's who I am) and I will decorate my little heart out to make you feel warm, inviting and comfy.  Paint, flowers, hearth and home--that's my motto for you.
I promise to cozy you up and to offer coffee to all who enter.  It's your job, however, to make them feel welcome.  To wrap your little arms around them (that's what my old house did) and to make them feel special.  That's very important to me--hospitality.  If you can do that we will eventually have a great relationship.  I'm not saying that every once in awhile I won't get a little peeved with you, because you know I will, I'm just saying that if you do things my way, we'll get along just fine.  In time.  Time is important.  Give me time to grieve the loss of my old house and my old friends.  If you can do that--we are in business.

In closing, new house--I'm going to give this move my best shot.  If you can do the same, we will become great friends.  Deal?

Your new owner...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true when we have to move. Still praying for you. Love you. Sandy