To say that I was fearful of another attack like that coming on again is an understatement. I was terrified. I got out my iPad and did the only thing I could. I reached out to my friends and family on Facebook and asked them to pray for me. We still had another 2 weeks of vacation ahead of us, and believe me, I didn't want to spend it laying down with spells of vertigo and feeling sick. Fortunately, I have several friends who are nurses and they told me to get some motion sickness pills. So, once we arrived in Toulouse I walked right across the street from our hotel armed with the French words--Dramamine, car sick, motion sickness, dizzy, and vertigo. I figured maybe one of them would be translatable. It was, and I left with an ample supply to get me through our vacation. Thank God for friends! And for a pharmacist with a good sense of humor, my French wasn't too good when it came to those types of words, but we made do and from that moment on whenever I began to feel dizzy, I'd pop a French motion sickness pill. I am very thankful that I have these special people in my life, who cared enough to pray and enough to help me out with some sage advice.
For me Toulouse was interesting. First off, I loved our hotel. It was located right in the city center, which is what we love. It was modern and clean and perfect for us and it had a Nespresso machine (score) and big comfy bed (double score) and a window seat looking out over the main square. The city of Toulouse though was really truly not my cup of tea. For one thing, we were a bit too old. It's a university town--loud, lots of bars and tons of live music.
We set out to explore, walking through the main plaza and soaking up the scene. We listened to live music, stopped for a coffee, did some shopping, and then had dinner. Looking back, there is something that I was very thankful for and that was double glazed windows. We were able to shut out the noise (which was still going on into the wee hours of the morning) and get a decent nights sleep. Funny how small things matter.
Honestly because of the age factor I wasn't too enamored with the city and wished I had picked a different destination. However, it was just one night and we were soon off to Nice. We had a 6-hour drive ahead of us, tollways, rest stops and coffee to buy-- it was time to go.
My husband wondered why I had chosen Toulouse as a stopover, I told him that years ago we were supposed to go there for a business trip. After much planning and looking forward to the trip--it was canceled at the last minute--the very last minute. I was so disappointed. This was my way of finally seeing the city that I had researched all those years ago. Checked that box--on to Nice.
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