Monday, November 5, 2012

Getting Ready

I'm having a complete adrenaline rush.  It's been going on for about 2 days now and relief won't come until the morning.  That's OK with me though, I love these traveling rushes that accompany my trips to the airport.  That's right, I said airport.  I am leaving in the morning!  And while this flight isn't an overseas flight, it's a flight nonetheless.  And I'm excited.  I get to go to the airport.  I get to fly on an airplane.  I get to people watch, browse expensive airport shops and drink expensive airport cappuccinos.

I've barely slept the last 2 nights.  Packing and unpacking in my head.  Awake or asleep--it doesn't matter.  I'm packing!  I need clothing for daytime shopping and clothing for evening dinners, I need shoes for walking and shoes for looking fancy.  And handbags--I need handbags.  They by far are my most important item to pack.  They are my ruination.  My downfall.  The one thing I feel  most guilty about.  However, I can honestly say they've all been gifts via my husband.  There, I've just alleviated my guilt--a little bit.

So, in my hours of fitful sleep, I have repacked my one suitcase (yes, I said one, it's a short trip) several times.  Along with clothing and shoes and handbags, there is jewelry to think about and also cosmetic choices--I just love my make-up!   Can you understand why I'm not sleeping well?  No?  Well, that's OK, I get it.  I understand myself.

I also have our dog to kennel, our house to clean, neighbors to notify, boarding passes to print and a refrigerator to clean out.  I have this very weird thing that I have to do before I can leave on any trip that lasts longer than 2 days.  I have to clean my house--just in case I am killed along the way and someone comes into my home and says--wow, she was really a disorganized pig.  I couldn't handle that, so I clean.  Like a mad lady.  Then there is the refrigerator situation.  All food that might go bad must be thrown away, the shelves wiped clean and straightened--for the same reason mentioned above.  Can you say neurotic?

We leave tomorrow morning.  As soon as I sit down on that plane I know what's going to happen.  I will be so exhausted that the hum of the engines warming will lull me to sleep, if even for just a few minutes.  Then I will wake up, take out my Kindle and relax.  Until the next trip, and then the entire process will commence once again.  And that's OK with me, I love to travel.  Almost as much as I love getting ready.

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