It's funny what you notice about a person. For me it's usually something that a person (especially if it's a female) is wearing or their hair or shoes or earrings--I know that I sound shallow. And that's not really what I'm getting at here. What I'm trying to say is that I notice people. I tend to gravitate towards certain types. You know, the folks that I might have something in common with. It really doesn't matter what it is specifically that I notice. It's just that something will catch my eye and then--well then, it's usually because God has put them in my line of sight for a reason. Such is the case of what happened the other day.
We happened to be attending the same seminar when I looked over and noticed her jeans at the registration desk. They were so cute, I loved them and wondered where she had bought them. As we all moved into the large classroom to begin our lecture time I looked over to see her at the table right next to mine. Coincidence? I think not! And when we both happened to get up and go to get coffee at the same time I thought I'd compliment her on her awesome jeans. Well, we had an instant connection. It seems we both love fashion and we both love to shop. I then told her about a couple of cute little boutiques that I had found in my many shopping travels and wrote the addresses on a piece of paper for her. We were both happy to have found each other. New friends via cute jeans.
Just a few short hours later we were put together again and ended up finding out even more about each other. It's a miraculous thing to witness God bringing two new friends together. We prayed for each other, talked for awhile and exchanged business cards. A new friendship was made that day--all because of a pair of cute jeans. Maybe I'm the only one fascinated by the simple workings of God. I don't know. Maybe God was once again trying to show me His sovereignty. I'm not sure. He got my attention though. He made me stop, take notice and watch Him working around me. He made me wonder why He cares so much about all of us that He would arrange a silly little chance meeting between 2 women who otherwise never would have met. And yet, we did. Over jeans. Awesome.
Yes, we live in different towns, we go to different churches, we come from different cultures and yet God saw a need. God saw a reason why the two of us should meet. I marvel sometimes (OK all the time) over the workings of the mighty God whom I serve. He cares that much. He meets us just where we are. He finds the perfect person to bring into our lives on a perfect day. All we have to do is be aware, keep our eyes open and our hearts ready. He's got a plan. And I just happened to walk right into it that day.
I realize that I might not ever see her again. I know that sometimes God brings people into our lives for just a few short minutes or even a few short hours. Sometimes He brings them into our lives for a season and then again sometimes He brings them into our lives for a lifetime. Either way--I'm ready. I'm ready to be used, to pray, to serve, and to live for Him. I am also happy that He uses simple things to get my attention--cute jeans, that's all it took. Wow, I am a little shallow now that I think about it. :)
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