Thursday, October 4, 2012

Colors of Friendship

The view outside my bedroom window is one of yellow leaves, not quite yet gold, but soon.  I love fall colors, every single one of them, every color, every hue.  Fall is my favorite time of year, I love it even more than I love winter.  I believe that once God decided to give us eyesight, he decided to give us color via flowers, trees, birds and various other beautiful gifts that are only made by him.  I've heard it called God's paintbrush--I like that.  Vivid and soft at the same time.

So, I sit in my room looking at the wonderful colors of my creator and I daydream.  I think about family and friends, blessings and gifts and I become even more grateful with each passing moment.  I am thankful for one thing right now in particular.  Friendship.  It means so much to me.  To have a friend whom I can express my deepest thoughts, emotions, and dreams with--well, what can be better than that?

One of my closest friends just left.  I gave her a ride to the airport yesterday and had to try hard to keep myself from tearing up as I drove back home.  I looked at the beautiful scenery along the highway and streets leading back to my house and I thought--I shall always remember this visit--a visit with a good friend in the fall, she shall always be "painted" in my mind with yellows, oranges, and reds--the colors of autumn.  I then thought about the other visitors I've had--what colors are they?  And much to my surprise--yes, they had colors too.  Sometimes the color of winter--fluffy snow and glittery frost, and sometimes the color of summer--the blues of water and white puffy clouds.

I am beginning to think I've lost it a little bit here, but really, it's how I remember each and every visit.  With colors associated with seasons.   And with friends associated with colors.   I deeply love my friends--my true friends, those whom I can trust, depend on, lean on, share with and pray with.  Why I have been so blessed is a mystery to me, however, I will not question God, I will just bask in the colors of friendship and enjoy my view.

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