Thursday, July 9, 2020

God, help us all

We are now up to over 130,000 deaths in the USA due to the COVID-19 virus.  We did not flatten the curve as intended.  Our entire nation has spiked in numbers again.  And after all that--after the shutdowns, after the small business owners lost their livelihoods, we have failed at bringing our nation out of this crisis.  It's July, for Pete's sake, and the number of deaths has doubled since May.  How much worse will it get, how many more will die?  Please, God, help us.

It seems to me there is such a lack of leadership in our nation.  Everyone is either calling the pandemic a hoax or saying that it's not that serious (it's just like the flu, after all); however, more and more people are being infected every day.  To me, it seems that everyone is wearing blinders.  Our pandemic response team was abandoned, no one is listening to the experts, and people are just doing as they wish.  Our administration pulled out of the World Health Organization and is now telling the country not to listen to the CDC.  Seriously? 

I wonder what it will take?  What will change the hearts and minds of the men and women of this nation?  I watched our president spew hatred over the 4th of July weekend.  I listened to him trying his hardest to push us apart rather than pull us together.  He doesn't even try to unify us as a nation.  He doesn't wear a mask, and he doesn't social distance, so in turn, neither do his followers.  And the vicious cycle starts all over again.  And not just the virus--the hatred, the bigotry, and the violence. 

Europe doesn't even want us right now; we aren't allowed to travel there nor to Canada--because we aren't taking care of our citizens as we should.  The whole of the world feels sorry for us as we are being led to death and destruction.  What a shame.  How many more will die at the hand of this man?  How many more years must we suffer at the hands of this wolf in sheep's clothing?  I wonder.  And I pray.  Hard.

I want this blog to not only reflect my thoughts and insight concerning my world views but to also teach my grandchildren to watch carefully and be aware of things like this going on around them. When they become adults, I want them to let their voices be heard.  Stand up for the underdog, and care for others as Christ cares for them.  Go after that one--they are worth it.  Learn from this horrid time in our history.  And pray.  Please, God, teach them to pray.

I'm trying so hard not to become disillusioned.  I'm trying to be positive, to work for the greater good, to give what I have, to share the truth, and to pray.  However, with death looming, destruction being praised, and nothing but dark days ahead, it's so hard.  But I will pray, and I will keep praying, and I won't give up. 

I know that I haven't been blogging lately--for fear of sounding just the way I sound.  I would rather be telling stories of my past and sharing my wonderful memories, but right now, I just feel sad.
Living in this country is breaking my heart and wearing me down.  History is repeating itself, and no one is stopping it.  Please, God, hear my prayer.

Hear the prayers of your daughter, oh God.  Change my heart to reflect your glory, and teach me through this time. 

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