I had an interesting day yesterday. I started 2 new things, one being a ladies Bible study and the other being our couples small group, which is also a Bible study. Both are affiliated with our new church. I have been either leading or attending these types of get-togethers for approximately 40 years now. One might think I'd be burned out or tired, or maybe even have and I've heard it all before type of attitude, but I don't. I thoroughly enjoy getting together with other believers and discussing Biblical truths. I like being challenged, I like debates and I like sharing my heart and listening to the heartbeat of others. It's always been a huge part my life--this getting together with like minded people.
This will be my first time attending the ladies Bible study at my new church. I'm excited to get to know these new people. We've just been at this church a few months now, so I believe that this will be a great venue for making some new friends. We start with coffee (thank you God) some visiting, and then a video. We then break up into small groups to discuss the workbook and video. This is where things usually get interesting. Me, being trained in Psychology, am always fascinated by other's behavior patterns. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am not there for a special group session, I am there to listen and learn. I also struggle with another issue, I am a pray-er, you know, a person who prays for others almost non-stop. As I listen to people share, I make mental notes on what I believe their needs are and then I begin to pray for them. It's just what I do and who I am. I can't help myself. Believe me, I've tried. But, that's another story, a later blog, and before I write about it, I'd have to pray. Do you see what I'm dealing with here? A never ending circle of listen, pray, pray, listen...
Back to this new Bible study--our book is about being Brave. I think that is a very interesting concept. Bravery. Honestly, I had never thought of myself as being particularly brave, however after looking at the chapter titles in our new book--well, maybe I am braver than I thought. Why? Because I did not feel that the titles really applied to me. I've made that mistake before though, and have been completely taken aback by what God taught me. So I've learned to be open minded, teachable and patient. I know that through the course of the next few months God will change me. He'll work on some issues in my heart that I am not even aware of. I am excited about what He is going to be doing in me (and for me) over the next few months. And where I thought I was brave or not so brave--He will show me things about myself, that will undoubtedly end up in this blog.
As far as our couples Bible study that meets in the evenings once a week--well, that's going to interesting too. We've decided to go through a book, chapter by chapter, and discuss a very interesting and somewhat controversial subject--why aren't our young adults attending church? I am praying through this study that our eyes are opened to the challenges of the church body today. There has definitely been a decline in attendance--but why? I have my viewpoint and thoughts on the matter, however, I might be all wrong. So, that's what we'll be talking and praying about.
On that subject, though I think I do want to share a couple of my own thoughts here. I want to see if I am even remotely close to the real reasons why our 20 and 30 somethings aren't interested in going to church.
For one thing--I wonder if the church (in general) is keeping up culturally with the times. Are our worship songs outdated and lifeless? Is there joy, a sense of celebration, a feeling of I'm so excited to be in church exuberant type of singing? Or instead, are we standing on tradition--singing funeral songs? That's what I call them. Old, tired, boring, sleepy hymns. I'm sorry, I'm just being as honest as I can be. And I'm trying to figure things out. I'm trying to see church through the eyes of the visitor, the unchurched, the unbeliever--and I'm not really liking what I'm seeing. Let's make the church feel like a place we want to go! Full of life, full of God, full of Jesus! Let's worship as if we are already in heaven!
For another thing, I think that God has taken a backseat in their lives. No longer are they living for Him, they want what He has to offer but only on their terms. They are too busy and too worn out to make time for God. It's a gimme, gimme society---that's for sure.
Also, (and I am aware that I might again be stepping on some toes here) I believe that there are some people (OK a lot) who feel that churches today are filled with hypocrites. That the so-called Christians of today are full of hate and discrimination, and so they want to distance themselves from that type of church going Christian. And I wonder--are they right? Is this what the world sees? Is this what we are portraying? Aren't they seeing Jesus in us? Or, are they seeing mean-spirited, judgmental, unforgiving, unaccepting, intolerant people--who just claim to know Christ?
We will see if I am even close to the real reasons as to why we are losing young families. In the meantime, I will be praying.
So, these are my musings from yesterday--much to think about and much more to pray about. Am I brave? I don't know. And why aren't more young adults attending church? I don't know. Maybe throughout these next few weeks, I'll receive some insight and answers to these questions of mine. I sure hope so. I have a lot of questions, I have a lot to pray about, I have a lot to learn. So, let the fun and the hard work begin!
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