Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I forgot my cell phone the other day.  We were on our way for a fun filled Father's Day extravaganza day (that's what we call special holidays) of shopping, food, and fun.  And there I was about 10 minutes from home when I suddenly realized that I had left my phone sitting on the counter.  My husband immediately turned the car around saying, you would not have a good day without your phone, so let's go get it.  I felt terrible, going all the way back home just to retrieve a phone?  It seemed crazy to me, however, he was right, I wouldn't have a had a good day at all.  That little cell phone is my only connection to my children, grandchildren, and friends.  We have no land line, no home phone, no voice mail, no way for others to get in touch with us in the case of an emergency.  So yes, it was important to go all the way back home and get my phone and then let the day start all over.

In the mean time, I wondered about what might have laid ahead of us had I remembered my phone.  Yes, this is the way my silly brain works.  What if...what if I had remembered my phone and we had been on our way.  Our way to what?  That's what I think about.  Yes, we had a plan.  We were headed somewhere.  We had a time, a place, a destination.  However, what if our destination was different from God's?  What if He used that I forgot my phone opportunity to change our destiny?  What if...

And that's where road maps come into play.  You know, road maps.  The kind that the Bible talks about.  
It says in Jeremiah 29:11--For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
And in Psalms 37:23 where it says--The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives.  

I gave my heart to Him 50 years ago.  Therefore these 2 verses, in particular, belong to me and anyone else who claims to be a Christian.  Don't they?  So, if He has plans for me, and if He directs my steps, then who am I to get upset or complain when things don't go my way?  Maybe He has a map that He hasn't shown me.  Maybe He has a plan that He hasn't discussed with me.  Maybe just maybe, I should sit back and let Him guide me.  It's what I do--most of the time.  I try not to get upset when I hit heavy traffic, I try not to get mad when others are late to an event, I try not to come unglued when plans fall through.  Please notice the I try part.  I do try--really hard.  Because I truly believe that God has complete control over my life.  I also truly believe that many times I fall so short of total trust in Him.  Sometimes I want to grab that map right out of His hands and say--let me take a look at that map, there just might be a better way!  Wow, really?  There just might be a faster, better, different way?  I seriously doubt it.  And also, I really seriously doubt that my ways are better than His ways.  Why, oh why then do I get so upset when...fill in the blank.  Why do I get so upset when I don't get my way, when I don't get to live where I want to when I don't get to control certain situations when I don't get to protect those I love, when, when, when....why?

I guess if I understood the what, whys, and wheres of each situation in my life I wouldn't need God.  But, the fact is I do need Him.  I can't see what is on the road ahead of me.  I need Him.  He's holding that roadmap and leading me along--steadily, strongly, safely, and lovingly.  He's got that road map memorized.  And if it were left up to me?  Well, who knows where I'd end up.  So, I'll make sure that I keep my hands off my road map, I'll make sure that I look to God for guidance and direction.  I'll trust Him, and sit back and enjoy the ride.  Because God also says that--my ways are not your ways.  And I am very grateful for that.  His ways are not my ways, His ways are better than my ways.  And to me, that is the most comforting feeling of all.  I want to live His way.  And if I forget my cell phone again, or being caught in traffic, or have to move again, or whatever it is big or small that He has planned for me, well, that's OK with me.  It makes life just that more exciting, and also restful at the same time.  Yes, that's it, it's restful.  I can go to sleep at night knowing that whatever tomorrow holds--it's going to be held in the very palm of God's hand.


Laura :) said...

Excellent message! I am currently struggling with this...to not be a 'backseat driver' lol I have had instances where, for no apparent reason, my car would die on me and then minutes later start right up... further down the road there would be an accident that I would hae been in if not for those precious minutes "lost" sitting by the side of the road! He sure does know what's best for us :)

Laura :) said...

Note to self... always preview comments for spelling errors before posting haha!