I said it so many times I wanted to scream. I warned friends and family members, anyone who would listen, really. I knew, I just knew. Maybe as an INFJ my intuition was kicking in full throttle, but I think it was God genuinely speaking to my heart. Many Christain friends disagreed with me on this issue. You're wrong, they said. He isn't like that at all. He is God's chosen. However, I just didn't buy it. I could feel the heart of this person with every single word he spoke. He was and still is a lying deceiving man. He felt/feels demonic to me. A wolf in sheep's clothing. The anti-christ. Small a. The opposite of Christ.
I was in complete shock at first. How in the world did he win? I was stunned. And then slowly as reality began to sink in, as I realized that there was so much more going on behind the scenes, I knew it was true. This was not a war between flesh and blood, the Bible calls it a war between principalities and powers. It was beginning to happen before our very eyes. The beginning of the end of Christianity as I/we knew it. For a time anyway. Christians began to worship him rather than God. They tossed aside the teachings of Christ and followed a man rather than God. They deny it of course. They are blind and cannot see. I see it though. I do. The hatred, bigotry, racism, sexism. The bullying, name-calling, etc. His filthy, dirty language became the norm. They called it rhetoric. I heard it, I saw it. Didn't you?
My heart began a slow horrible breaking process. I watched as people began to believe the lies. One by one they fell under his cultish curse--until hatred took over their minds, hearts, and souls. One thing I knew for sure--this was not of God. Not even a little. This was a cult in the making. This was a satanic move to grab the hearts of people who while professing to believe in God, His Word, and teachings--really knew very little of them. They were, as the Bible teaches, being tossed to fro with every wind of doctrine. They were hung up on one issue. Abortion. It's interesting to me the satan chose this topic to rally the troops. Abortion. They called me a baby killer. All because I would not bend to the almighty Trump. And, when I objected, I was told that I was delusional. As a Democrat--how could I be pro-life? And yet, I am. There are many of us out there, you know. Many. Also, I do not believe in capital punishment, and yet during his 4 years in office, he sent many to their deaths, more than any other president. Pro-life, I think not. Pro-birth? Maybe. And then there was the separation of children from parents as they came from other countries seeking asylum. Torn from their mother's arms, and thrown in cages like animals. But hey, at least they weren't aborted, right? Or is that concept just for American babies? I've wondered.
This was a power grab. The great deceiver had won--for a time. He came to steal, kill and destroy the body of Christ. To turn families against each other, to destroy life long friendships, and to cause great anguish among our country and even the world. True believers were praying hard. Open their eyes oh God, let them see the truth, take the veil from their eyes. At least that's how I prayed.
I prayed hard, I took a lot of criticism, I even had (on-line) death threats. My heart broke as people took sides. And yet, I took a side. I sided with the disenfranchised, I stood with the poor, the children in cages, the unloved. I had many ask me why I wasn't standing up for the unborn. I was. However, in doing that, I also stood for the already born. I was called names, made fun of, told I wasn't a Christian, and a lot of other things, and that's ok. I can take it. I know who I really am. I know that I try my hardest to know God, to please Him, and to do His work. As I read the words of Christ, I know that He also took a stand--for the disenfranchised, the poor, the children. So I'm OK. I'll be OK.
And then today happened. We elected a new president. My heart went from being overburdened to lightened with joy and hope. I understand that not everything will be perfect. I'm not that simple-minded. I understand that it isn't about a political party. I understand that there will be times when I disagree with our new administration, however, I will know, deep down in my heart, that at least as a nation we are trying now. We're finally back on the road towards treating people with love, acceptance, and forgiveness. That's my goal anyway. To be more like Jesus and less like me. Less division, less selfishness, less all about me/us, and more about them/others. More about respect and kindness. More about understanding. More about catching flies with honey. You see, I am pro-life. I hate abortion. However, if you know that I love you and care about you, you just might come to me ( if you wanted to talk about abortion) and share your heart with me, and we just might come to an understanding. I might be able to steer you in a different direction. Maybe not. However, it would be done in love. I feel the same way about divorce, abuse, and many other subjects. I'm not hung up on just the one. That's the difference between me and them. I come from a place of loving your enemies. Not hating them, not screaming obscenities in their faces, not showing up with assault rifles, etc.
I sometimes wonder what our country (or world) would be like if local churches took their rightful places in this nation as givers. Givers of time, money, and comfort. Givers of heart, listening, and love. What if? Let's change it all now. Let's be more like Jesus. Let's forget about the why and just be the who--to people in need. Let's stop judging, throwing people out, building walls, calling names, and bullying. Let's take care of each other. Let's change. Shall we? Let's be a better nation this time. We've got 4 years to change, 4 years to be better, 4 years to show the world that we can and are one nation under God. Wouldn't that be amazing?
If in reading this, you disagree with me, that's ok. I just pray that you are able to see my heart. You can have your own opinion. I won't judge you for that. Please don't judge me for mine. Let God do that. If you don't like what I write about, pray for me. God will show me the error in my ways, He is faithful and just.
In the meantime, if you are a true believer, a follower of Jesus Christ--pray. Pray like never before. Pray that God changes the hearts of mankind. Pray for our nation, pray for fewer abortions, divorce, abuse, bullying, suicide, etc. Pray for marriages, families, and your neighbors. And most of all, show love. And remember the words of Christ--perfect love casts out all fear. So much of what we say and do is brought about by fear. Remember that the next time you encounter fear. Pray and love your neighbor as yourself. It's a great start anyway.