Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'm Just a Flute

I typically think of myself as having little or no talent.  That is to say, I am not "great" at any one thing.  Oh, I'm not saying that there aren't a couple of things I'm kind of good at.  However, I am saying that I am not exceptional at anything.  Not really.

What got me to thinking about this is the fact that I don't play a musical instrument.  I feel a little sad about that.  I wish I could play.  I wish I could pick up a violin or flute and make beautiful music.  But I can't, not even a little.  And to be perfectly honest with you, I am in awe of those who can.  I am mesmerized as I watch their hands float across the keys or chords and listen as awesome sounds come forth.

This morning as I pondered other's talents, the Lord took me down a different vein of thought.  I started thinking about spiritual gifts and I wondered--do we ever think of them as spiritual talents rather than gifts from God?  We are told in His Word that He is the vine and we are the branches, but do we ever sub-conscientiously flip that in our little human brains?  Are we thinking that we are the vine and that we have great talents in certain areas of our Christian walk?  Are we taking credit for something only God can do?

Deep thoughts, I know.  However, I am concerned.  I think about some areas of ministry that God has used me in--prayer being the biggest factor in my life.  It always has been.  I love to pray and worship God.  I absolutely love it.  Sitting at the feet of Jesus, singing to Him, worshiping Him, praising Him.  And as He leads me to pray for others, I obey.  But, in doing that, in exercising the spiritual gift that God has given me, I want to always remember--He is the healer, not me.  He's the one who hears our cries and answers our prayers.  It really has nothing to do with me at all.  You see, I'm just the flute.  Or the branch.  An inanimate object, useless--unless the great Musician picks me up and begins to play--I can do nothing on my own, no sound will come from me.

I wonder--do we ever mix that up?  Do we honestly think that as a branch or a flute that we have the ability to do anything at all on our own?  I sincerely hope not.  I think that as a branch if I'm cut off the vine, I'll wither and die.  I think that as a flute or a violin if left in the case and never played--beautiful music will never be heard.

So for me, I want to check my ego at the door.  I want to be completely dependent on Christ.  I want my branch to attached to His vine.  I want to be used by Him while always remembering--that I'm just a flute, ready and waiting to be picked up and played my Him.

Yes, ask me to pray anytime you'd like.  Believe me, I will pray.  I'll pray my brains out for you.  But, don't ever mistake me for the vine.  Ever.  Don't ever mistake my spiritual gifts for talents.  They are merely gifts from an almighty God.  He alone decides when to use me.  He alone decides which gifts to give me.  It's then my job to move out in faith and obedience.  I can't "heal" anyone, any more than I can pick up a violin and play you a song.  But, God can.  He can heal you and He can pick up a handful of dust and make a human too.  I want to think about that the next time I want to give credit to a person rather than to my God.

So yeah, very deep thoughts.  My prayer this morning--use me God as an instrument of your peace.  Use me any way you want.  Remind me of who you are and of who I am in you.  And most of all, humble me.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Have I Told You

I said something in Bible study this morning.  I didn't want to say it.  However, God wanted it said.  And just how do I know this?  I know His voice.  I hear Him speak to me.  I began to feel my heart beat loudly, to the extent that sometimes I think others can see it.  As it thump, thump, thumps--louder, harder, pumping away, I wonder--can they tell?  I get nervous, tears start to flow and then I know that He has something that He wants me to share.  It's been this way from the beginning.  That thumping heart, the tears, the knowing--God is about to use me to say something right at the moment that will touch someone's heart and minister to them in some way.

So, what did I say?  I said this--I don't ever want someone to say the words to me, "why didn't you tell me about Christ when you knew all along?"  And I mean that.  I never, ever want to hear a friend or family member say those words to me.  Actually, I don't want a stranger that I've met on the street to say those words to me.  I so want my life to exude Christ in everything I say or do, that there is never a doubt in anyone's mind where I stand and what I believe in.

If you read this blog, then you know what I believe.  However, what about those who don't?  What about those I've come in contact with who don't know much about me?  Well, those are the ones I'm praying for.  Those are the people that I am heavyhearted over.  I want to make sure that they know about Jesus, my Jesus, the one whom I serve with every fiber of my being.

And If I've missed telling you, then I sincerely apologize.  I can only hope and pray that someone else does their job and shares Christ with you.

It's so strange to me that I am even writing about this today.  So much has gone on in my life these past few weeks and yet this is what the Lord has laid on my heart to write about today.  I'll get to the other stuff eventually, but I guess that's what is it--it's just stuff.  And this?  Well, this is life giving.  This sharing with you about my faith in my God and telling you how much He loves you and died for you.  How awesome is that?  And, the best thing is--you don't have to do a thing other than giving your heart and life completely over to Him, He takes care of the rest.  He changes us, molds us, makes us into who He wants us to be.  He puts His desires in our hearts and He becomes our father.

So just so you know--I'm praying for you.  Every day, I pray.  I pray that you come to know Christ the way I know Him.  That you feel His love for you as deeply as I feel it.  And that you fall in love with Jesus the way I have.  Because I never ever want to hear you say to me--why didn't you tell me?

I'm telling you now...